Custom Cataract Surgery
Cataract Surgery Option Selection
Options 2, 3, 4 include a Lipiflow Treatment ($1200 value)
Lipiflow will be performed day of measurement appointment
Insurance and Enhanced Package Fees due day of measurement appointment
Cataract Overview

Option 1
Standard Monofocal Package
Covered by insurance. Low priority on freedom from glasses.

Option 2
Enhanced Package
High priority on freedom from distance and/or reading glasses. Might need glasses for night driving or specific tasks requiring better depth perception. Additional fee not covered by insurance.

Option 3
Multifocal Package
High priority in freedom from any glasses. Might need readers in low light, will have some halo at night. Additional fee not covered by insurance.

Option 4
Light Adjustable Lens Package
High priority on freedom from glasses. After your eye heals, you return to your eye doctor to have your vision tested during a routine eye exam. Based on this exam, you and your eye doctor will select a custom prescription for your adjustable lens based on your own eyes and unique lifestyle requirements.
For more information on our Cataract Options, see below.
Cataract Options
Option 1: Standard Monofocal Package
A monofocal or standard lens implant is inserted once the cataract is removed. This option is best for patients who do not desire freedom from glasses. No astigmatism management is done and both eyes are targeted for the same endpoint. Most patients will still wear full time bifocal glasses with this option. This is fully billed to medical insurance. What patients who choose this option might say:
- “I want to wear glasses full time.”
- “I feel naked without my glasses.”
- “My glasses cover up the bags under my eyes.”
- “I cannot afford anything more than what my insurance will cover.”
Option 2: Enhanced Package
Once the cataract is removed a specific power and style of implant is inserted to maximize distance vision in each eye, so that the patient can see clearly in the distance (anything further than 3 feet) without the aid of glasses. This option might include any or all of the following: correction of astigmatism, intraoperative aberrometry-ORA® (measuring the eye during surgery once the cataract is removed), and any necessary postoperative laser enhancement (LASIK or PRK) to correct any residual prescription in the eye which prevents adequate distance vision without glasses. This enhanced option is not covered by any insurance and there is an additional fee to the normal surgical fees.
People who choose this option will still need glasses for near activities (anything inside of 3 feet). This includes computer and reading (books). These glasses are most often over the counter glasses. People who choose this option might say:
- “I hate wearing glasses to play golf or exercise.”
- “I don’t mind wearing readers but do not want to wear glasses to drive or watch TV.”
- “I wear contacts and do not want distance glasses.”
- “I had LASIK done years ago and now I need glasses full time again. I want to get back to just readers.”
Once the cataracts are removed, a lens implant is placed in each eye so that one eye sees clearly in the distance without correction and the other sees clearly at near without correction. This option works well for patients who have a history of successful monovision contact lens wear. This package includes correction of astigmatism, intraoperative aberrometry (measuring the eye during surgery once the cataract is removed), and any necessary postoperative laser enhancement (LASIK or PRK) to correct any residual prescription in the eye which prevents adequate distance or near vision without glasses. This option is not fully covered by insurance and costs an additional amount that is not covered by any insurance.
People who chose this option desire freedom from glasses for most activities. Some monovision patients will wear glasses for night driving to enhance their distance vision (correct the reading eye). This decreases glare as well. People who choose this option might say:
- “I have been doing monovision with my contacts for 25 years and it works well for me.”
- “I do not like reading glasses and have no depth perception issues with monovision.”
- “If I have to wear glasses 5% of the time for my best distance vision, that is ok.” (Large arenas or night driving)
Some patients who choose monovision with implants can and choose to wear a distance contact lens in their reading eye when doing activities that warrant better distance vision or depth perception (e.g., playing tennis or going to a football game).
Option 3: Multifocal/Extended Depth Package
Once the cataracts are removed, a lens implant is inserted that provides vision at multiple distances in each eye. Patients who choose this option have a high priority on being glasses independent after surgery. This package includes correction of astigmatism, intraoperative aberrometry (measuring the eye during surgery once the cataract is removed), and any necessary postoperative laser enhancement (LASIK or PRK) to correct any residual prescription in the eye which prevents adequate distance or near vision without glasses. This option is not fully covered by insurance and costs an additional amount that is not covered by any insurance. People who chose this option desire the most glasses independence after surgery. People who opt for this package might say things like:
- “I have done multifocal contacts and love them.”
- “I don’t want to have to wear glasses for distance or computer vision.”
- “I tried monovision and it didn’t work for me.”
Patients who choose these styles of implants usually notice some degree of halos around lights at night. These are most prominent the smaller, brighter, and further the light source. These halos are from the reading rings in these lenses.
Option 4: Light Adjustable Lens
The Light Adjustable Lens is made of a special photo-sensitive material that changes the power of your implanted lens in response to UV light, increasing the likelihood that you will achieve your desired vision after cataract surgery.
If you select the Light Adjustable Lens, the first step is to have your cataract safely removed and the adjustable IOL implanted. The cataract removal and IOL implantation procedure are the same as if you selected a non-adjustable IOL.
What is unique about the Light Adjustable Lens is that, after your eye heals, you return to your eye doctor to have your vision tested during a routine eye exam. Based on this exam, you and your eye doctor will select a custom prescription for your adjustable lens based on your own eyes and unique lifestyle requirements.
This option is BEST for patients who have had previous LASIK or RK.